Resolution is drawn at the September check-point meeting entitled “Setting-up of a Collective Management Organization in the Field of Audiovisual Works”, held in Lagos on September 27 and 28, 2012.
After the information meeting on copyright and collective management held on September 27, 2012, the stakeholders had a consultative meeting on the following day with the aim of studying the current drafts of Memorandum and Articles of Association of a CMO for audiovisual works.
The name of the CMO was unanimously decided to be AUDIO-VISUAL RIGHTS SOCIETY OF NIGERIA (LIMITED BY GUARANTEE) (AVRS). This name encompasses all fields of the audiovisual sector and thus gives a proper connotation to the CMO.
The company is a public company and the liability of members is limited by guarantee. The income and property of the company shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objects. These objects include all necessary tasks to carry out and enforce the copyright and related rights administered by the company, both in Nigeria and abroad through affiliate societies.